English version: The Empire of Sleepless clan.

Дем Михайлов

Дем Михайлов

Неистовый писарь
Команда форума
8 Авг 2013
The Empire of Sleepless clan
Updated and corrected version
A huge World full of adventures, ancient mysteries and monsters, which thirst for your death. The world in which everyone can achieve the performance of their most cherished desires and become anyone - a lucky in business seller, a wise hermit, a brave warrior or the fighting magician, who is a subject to destructive elements. But do not expect that your way to a dream come true will be easy and cloudless. The path to the top is very long, if you do really reach it.

Chapter I.
Ready for everything to stay! Unexpected end of a gaming session.
From the bright flash before my eyes, I involuntary blinked, and when I newly opened the eyelids I beheld the slowly whirling rainbow swirl. I was evilly exhaling and closed my eyes again, without having to wait, when the sickening rush of dizziness will roll up to the throat. I have too slow channel, and the equipment is rather out of date. So I have to endure the long few minutes, until the server will identify me check the data from the medical sensors and impose the matrix.
Having waited for another minute I opened my eyes and was relieved to find that I nuzzled to the unsightly wall made of usual gray brick. Finally. I rolled my shoulders, clenched and opened the fingers several times and shook my head.
Everything is all right.
With a light melodic ringing the almost gauzy inscription appeared before my eyes, with each instant poured with white colour and becoming more contrast:
The World of Valdira greets you!
There are already over seven million of us …
Frowned with annoyance, I closed have already drawn the mouth greeting, stepped away from the brick wall and looked around. A small - three by three meters - barn, on the opposite wall a normal plank door with a copper knob could be seen. A low stone ceiling, and there are no slightest signs of windows. The walls are absolutely bare. There are no paintings, fine prints or any other near to the heart little things. The same situation was with the furniture - nothing.
In the far corner away from the door was a pile of junk, for decency carelessly covered with a tattered raincoat. There were the most necessary things – a poor storage of quite good potions to restore the mana and life power, a few specific elixirs for a temporary strengthening of some characteristics, and a small set of backup equipment and armors. Some amount of gold and silver coins laid in the City bank, whose the nearest branch was on the opposite side of the city square. That’s all. Nothing else I was needed for a comfortable game and in the private room I have appeared very rarely - when log out or into the game.
Besides, in recent times my bank account in the game was only increasing, so there were absolutely no causes to lament about a scanty decor and a small amount of junk in my Private Room. My personal tiny pigeonhole from where I once got the first base into the boundless world of Valdira. That was long time ago ... and it will be over soon.
I have the lowest grade of the game account: "Wooden". It was also contemptuously called "the chuck" and their owners were called "Pinocchio." Sufficed me, but all good things shall come to the end. And in order to it never end, you need to throw a bone on time. When in the game account eventually evaporate the last cent, the scarlet inscription will flare before your eyes “Your account is BLOCKED”, and without any delay I will be thrown into the real world.
I could not recharge my account. I have no money. Because of the sudden bankruptcy of the company where I’ve worked, and the subsequent dismissal of all employees, including me, I was left penniless. Yeap ... that's a doubly shame. Think at the same time I stayed both without a job and my favourite hobby. Such a double whammy came on my most vulnerable places. They have to pay me some money, which includes my fortnightly salary and the benefits package, but I will get it not soon - the company is bankrupt. What about the Chief, he has vanished without leaving a trace in an unknown direction, and according to rumors, took with him all the cash balances. He is probably sitting now on a comfortable sun lounger on the ocean shore and enjoying the taste of a tropical cocktail... asshole!
Sighing deeply, I was thinking for a moment, intensely alluring with a gimlet gaze to the door, behind which began the world of incredible adventures, doomed passions and mortal dangers. It pulled me there just impetuously.
But I kept my impulse and the first thing activated the Control Interface. Barely moving with my forefinger I quickly shuffled a few menus, found the option required and printed the Timer on the "screen" hanging before my eyes, which is impassively counting down the number of hours and minutes of the playing time I have yet.
The figures have not inspired me:
After thinking a little I've colored the ever changing figures in bright red, so they will catch the eye constantly and fixed them in the upper left corner, so as to squinting my eyes, I could see the amount of remaining time all the time.
Something blinked and before my eyes popped up a warning sign:
Herewith informing you that not hidden interface details prevent a genuine dipping into the magical World of Valdira.
With a snort I closed the warning and could not refrain from a bitter snicker. Yeah, it prevents, I do not argue. Here only to be dishonored there is no desire before other players, if I miss the moment and during the conversation I would be suddenly "kicked" of the game. So I shall scrape through somehow and without the "genuine dipping." I will not be able to get out with a sudden power outage or a failure of connection with the server. A cocoon has its own, capacious enough power supply, which is more than enough to complete even the most protracted battle, end the conversation or reach a safe location. And then you can calmly press down "Exit". And the lost of connection … is an extremely isolated case. The game cocoons are connected to the main server through the special network, unrelated to the Internet global network or the local providers. And they fail incredibly rare.
Usually I'm a taciturn person and prefer the action to the live communication with the players. And why should we gab once again? We can talk in "real life." Primarily, Valdira attracted me by adventures, fights with the monsters and studies of unexplored territories. No wonder that I chose the Ranger-arrow class.
But now I'm namely going to talk. I will not set foot beyond the city gates. Today I need to do everything, what I can, in order to scrape together money for one more week of subscription fee for my "wooden" account. And for this it is required to talk – with the sellers, the warriors, who seek the quality weapons, armor or jewelry. In general, it is necessary to try to sell for "real" dibs all that junk that gathering dust in the corner of my room. If I could not crank it up at once, I will set things on the game auction, but the minimum period of twenty-four hours there, i.e. a day and night. I will have to exit the game and monitor the course of trading with the usual monitor.
One week. That's how long I can afford myself to skive. Let's say a sort of a small vacation before searching for another job. And why not? I live alone. A fridge in my one-room flat is jammed to the rafters with the cheap, but hearty meal, the Internet is paid, as well as the rent for another month. And now all I wanted was to make myself a tiny holiday. The real dipping into the game with minimal exits to the real life and the endless stream of events and adventures.
You can, for example, pay a visit to the Black Range and hunt for the evil orcs, fortunately my level allows it. Or to go on a long journey to the coast of the southern sea and to admire the unique sunset, when two suns simultaneously sink in the depths of the sea. The lucky ones, who saw this spectacle, say that this is the real miracle of the world. If you do not spend money on transfer scrolls, then the road will take no more than five days, on the way you can take easy tasks from local people … just a real gamer's dream …
In general, I will have something to do this week. If I get scrape together money to pay for the account.
I looked my tiny room at critically, and at first time I regretted that at the time I invested no penny into the Private room development. Now I would be able to sell all the furniture to some novice player at half price. But in my relatively "money" times in the game I preferred to spend gold for the purchase of reinforcing elixirs, the best armor and weapons. In addition I had a "pure" class, a seigniorial class, more suitable for the players of the nouveau riche. I never bothered to learn any craft. But the NPS offered me to transfer my skills – I could become a woodcutter or, let’s say, a mine-digger …
Well, it doesn't tempt me at all to wave with a pickaxe tediously in the mine in hope to stumble upon a gold nugget or the cabochon. And I did not want to wave with a woodcutter’s ax too … and what have I got in the end?… Who knew that the game will tighten me so much and will turn from the usual fun into just about the most important activity of my life …
Truly said, you can get only the starter skills from the NPC or, as we call them friendly, "Local people" and even if you have them the gold will not flow like water, not even close. Just say a pickaxe will break down rarely, the percentage of the rare metals finding will increase by a tiny fraction of percent,… that's about it. To achieve more, you must nurture skills day and night. You must wave with an ax or a pickaxe from dawn to dusk. No, I do not argue, of course, there are the fans of this business. So-called "Socials." They prefer to be engaged in crafts, trade, and all such. They need neither bread nor spectacles, and, but they will sell their soul to the devil for the rich vein of precious metals, a couple of bales of elven silk or the Mithril pickaxe with inlay.
An idea shot across my mind to make a long distance call to my parent and ask them to help their prodigal son with finance... but it shot across and gone in one second. They will not help. Only the mother will be alarmed and the father will start ringing every hour, requiring me to return immediately to the fold, where he will quickly arrange his own blood (me) to the decent work. How there was it spoken?... My dad has the most stringent rules. No way ... I would better somehow.
I made one wide step and found myself on the opposite side of the room and, having armed with a backpack, began putting in it everything indiscriminately. Why indiscriminately? So not to start crying with grief, seeing as how the such difficulty found bow of the Grey Arrow with a very good characteristics goes in the bag, the accompanies it quiver that can restore the broken arrows and other things by itself, with each was associated its own history. Speak plainly, I was having a greed attack.
A set of hollowly ringing potions set off into the bag the last. There was nothing left in the room, but dust. I would collect it too and did not disdain, but they will not buy it …
I humped the backpack on my shoulder that even didn’t become heavier– it's a magic, what do you think – I walked to the door, mechanically glancing at the inexorably ticking timer.
I need to hurry up.
The door clicked softly, closing tightly, and I moved on with the absolutely inaudible step. A silent gait of real pathfinder. It is in real life I stomped like a real elephant, but here in Valdira I was a noiseless ghost and perfect scout. The coolest players with the similar character class and the pumped over skills can dance in squatting position on the broken glass and no splinter will clank.
I did worry about the unlocked door – no one except me can open it. Another player can get into my private room only with my permission. And what the sense is to worry about the absolutely empty room?
I flew off the stairs to the first floor and found myself in a spacious hall with the oak paneled walls, there were the wide open doors leading into the street in the far side of it.
The walls in the hall are decorated with pictures and tapestries, depicting the scenes of hunting and fighting battles with monsters. All the scenes are completely copied from actual events and reflect the achievements and feats, committed by players, about that the highly polished copper plates under each picture read as. Polished, by the way, manually by "local" workers, who see diligently after the cleanliness and order. The achievements there were different and not necessarily of arms.
"Sir Lancelot alone is fighting with a red dragon!"- in the picture the incredibly broad-shoulder warrior in metallic armors with a sword over his head rushes fearlessly to the scaly spiked creature, which spewed flames. It remains only to find out how this battle is over. I, incidentally, can also attack the red dragon alone – the stupidity will be enough with a reserve. But what end did such battle have? Breakfast for the dragon?
"Tricky Twain concludes the first one hundred thousandth deal in the history of Valdira!"- a cheeky blimp is smiling slyly standing behind a counter cluttered with gold.. The player who has chosen the path of merchant for himself. That's who just do not have to worry about the monthly fee,… but that is very boring, right?! Although ... to each his own, as they say. Maybe it's his avocation.
"Creation of the first Clan in the world of Valdira!" - ten players of different classes are standing around on a small castle square and putting their hands before them, pronounce an oath of allegiance. By the way this is the clan of Architects, one of the most powerful in the game.
"Quiet Kraken kills the leader of orcs army with a single arrow!" the arrow - lowered onto one knee is clinging to the monstrously huge crossbow and is preparing to pull the bowstring. Yeah, before this picture, I spent a long time drooling from envy to more successful player, who got into the historical annals of Valdira. Although, with such here crossbow stuffed with the reinforcing runes I would also flunked the orc with a single shot from any distance … well, I think, I could flunked … but I did not like crossbows, preferring to use bows. And the nickname is not too hot! What's a "quiet" Kraken?! Your fantasy limps, Bro, limps!
What else is there?
Oh, and this is very, very "old" picture it hangs here very long time.
"Ichthyander Galeziysky reaches the bottom of Kvantonsky landslip"- at the almost black background of ocean water you can see vaguely the strained swimmer figure of hanging upside down and touching a stone bottom with the fingertips. If my memory serves me, the depth of the Kvantonsky landslipis more than seventeen thousand meters. In real life you can't dive to such depth. Only in Valdira and only if you play for an underwater race. Otherwise, it will crush you into a pancake. By the way, according to rumors, Ichthyander reached the bottom, but failed to return back – the record holder was gobbled on his way back. The deep-sea monsters have gigantic size and are always hungry. Hmm …
The pictures are everywhere. Starting from the chest level and up to the ceiling. The first clannish built castle, the first player, who earned a fortune in a million gold coins – and again, the achievement was obtained by the player Tricky Twain. What the quirky huckster …
I looked at the pictures at a glance and hurried to the door, nodded a girl behind the semicircular desk in passing, in reply to her “Good morning”. She is not a player – the NPC controlled by the artificial intelligence with the ability to self-learning. It’s a game shtick, which gives Valdira even more authenticity and charm.
- Let you get lucky today, Mr. Crashshot! – the girl added me in a trace with hardly appreciable notes of sadness in her voice. She said impeccably polite with a light sadness in her voice.
She is boring here, poor. She has a quick word with no one. The players always hurry about their business somewhere, and only occasionally the girl has an opportunity to have a word with someone.
Though, she is not so bored here– with a corner of my eye I caught a cheap necklace of blue beads on her neck. The "Local people" of ordinary rank do not wear the jeweler ornaments – so it is conceived specifically. But any player can give the NPC a ring, a necklace or a chain. If there is a necklace, it means that this undoubtedly beautiful girl created by the hands of a talented designer has an admirer among the players, who visits her occasionally. And not only for chats.
The game status speaks for itself – solid "18 +", "Dipping" is strictly prohibited for teenagers and children. If you wish, you can even get married, buy a house with a garden and enjoy all the pleasures of a quiet family life. Or tempestuous family scandals – everyone here chooses the Miss Right or Mister Right to his own personal taste. Many players do it. It's a real pleasure, when you return from the feats of arms, right on the doorstep of a cozy family abode the beautiful wife meets you with a sincere joy.
The trade area met me with a deafening din. There was always a crowd of several hundred players, half of whom were merchants, willing to upsell the stuff found on open spaces of Valdira or created with their own hands. The rest wanted to buy that stuff but as more cheaper. Each side was trading with frenzy and extremely loud. When I came here for the first time, I couldn't isolate the separate words from the general noise. Now everything was much easier. Now I got into it: to the wildly loud trading calls and to the waving crowd, also to the snooping around pickers and stealers.
- Buy the ring with semiprecious stones! They bring the tangible plus on your mana! Only two pieces left! From the tenth level!
- Shirts! Linen shirts! Just one silver coin for a couple of gorgeous shirts!
- Shells of giant crabs! Both a whole and pounded into a powder! The best purchase for the alchemists!
- Hot meal! Hot meal!
- Selling all goods and chattels from myself! For the twentieth level! Ask the price!
- Everything for illuminating! Fireflies! Magic head lamps! Luminous necklaces and lap belts! Only two parking poles with a simplified activation left! One is charged with the daylight, another one is with usual light! Favourable prices! We will reach agreement with you!
The poles are the stationary illuminators, the most similar to … to the poles. Hence the name. How else can you call a bright luminous thingy of cylindrical shape and a height of five feet? That's why the players gave it such name. Briefly and clearly – for anyone is devoted to the game jargon of Valdira. Daylight is the sunlight. It protects perfectly against those creatures, which fear the daylight and illuminates well. The fireflies are also from the category of luminaires. It seems that this player has specialized in manufacturing and selling of lighting equipment.
- Mend armor and weapons for free! Absolutely free! I do not warrant for the results!
- Wooden charmed water cans! High volume! Buy and you will not regret!
- Skins! Hare skins are very cheap! There are also the hare eyes if anyone needs! Seventeen pieces!
- Selling eight silvered buttons! Tailors swoop, buy, count goods! Lovely things!
The customers preferred to walk in silence, glancing around with sham indifference and rummaging in the proposed goods for a long time. The spontaneous market sprang up here not by chance – there was a fountain with pure water near here, where it was not forbidden to drink and fill the jars, the hotel towered close to this place, and at twenty paces away there was an auction where any player for a small percentage could sell his rare goods. I went there, not paying attention to the gathered people and admiring sighs of the beginners enviously followed me with eyes.
The translucent veil hung in the air in front of the auction, and in order to get inside, you had to go through it, which I did. One step forward, and the veil thickened for a moment, watchfully studying me and then dissipated, giving me the permission to move. It was the magical curtain not allowing the players of less than 15 level to trade at the auction and instantly returning the kids back to the square with a light slap in the back and whisper quiet "Just grow up".
I decided not to go up the wide granite steps and go inside the building, turning sharply to the left, where at least ten to fifteen players of a wide variety of classes and races stuck next to the wall.
Exactly these babbling guys of all colors and shades were my goal. Unofficial "black" auction. Here I can realize much less money, but I’ll do it immediately. If you want to get rid the goods quickly and not for gold, but for real money, then it’s your way.
The chapmen strike me by their diversity. Elves, dwarves, humans, drows, half-orcs and even ahilots, whom I did not expect to see here. However, there was only one ahilot and, given the fact that he was gill-breathing, he felt himself surprisingly fine. It could not be non-perfect with such an aquarium! The huge bubble of seawater seeming very fragile and inside of which the player-ahilot flabbily splashed about, swayed from side to side right on the paving blocks of the square. Yeah, underwater creatures are not frequent visitors in this city, that is maybe located not right in the hot desert, but at the very edge of it.
I remember that I was very surprised when I learned that in the world of Valdira there is a purely "underwater" race of the players. And that under the marine strata there are very real underwater cities, villages, caves and, of course, monsters. But despite my egregious curiosity I did not want to be an ahilot, though they do have a considerable amount of available classes. It's not mine. Besides, I prefer to stand firmly on my feet, and not be on a hook during the bigger part of the game process. It’s almost the realm of weightlessness.
Before I could open my mouth, a tall half-orc stepped toward me, nodded at my backpack and growled gutturally:
- Have you something? Do you sell??
- Yes, I do – I said, taking the backpack off the shoulder without fear – But I will not sell it cheap! Count goods! Almost rare!
The half-orc snorted contemptuously and it's known why – the fanged warrior was packed not too shabby. Softly glowing Silver Breastplate is dotted with fanciful patterns of runes, the same shoulderplates, bracers and leg guards. Full set what gives you more bonuses to the characteristics! Under the armor you can see a black silk shirt, hands are covered with plate gloves, but I am sure that no one finger has not remained without the magic ring and a pair of protective amulets is hanging around his neck. I'm even not talking about all-metal boots. The breath of powerful magic literally comes from his shape, with which each piece of clothing was impregnated. Not everyone can blot out such dude … but I could try, if the fight happens on the highly rugged terrain …
After making sure that he made a worthy impression the buyer grumbled lazy:
- Gold or real?
- Real bucks! – I blurted out hastily, opening the backpack – I don’t need gold.
And swore myself mentally at the same second, having noticed how the eyes of half-orc flashed happily, due he realized how desperately I need money. Boob! I do not know how to play an imaginary indifference.
Snatching the backpack out of my hand with a careless movement, the warrior began busily digging in it, rarely vaguely grunting and tutting with his canine. The study of accumulated with such difficulty treasures did not take a lot of time and almost instantly, I heard the answer:
- Fifty for all together with a backpack. Maximum I will give five more. This is in dollars.
- Are you crazy … - I forlornly squeezed out of myself –At the auction I will get for everything three times more. Let's rise at least to hundred. All the stuff is in perfect condition, even repair is not required.
- You will not get it – the half-orc shook his black locks of dishevelled hair– Definitely. You will receive maximum from the auction seventy-five or eighty bucks. Not more. Think, you have here just a bare base, no runes, no rarities, no set items. All your stuff will go straight to the growing recruits, who will break it gladly with their little crooked hands.
- To whom?
- Who cares! –the warrior growled already with annoyance – In general, there is nothing particularly valuable. Except only the bow and a pair of throwing dagger represent something sensible. The rest I took to the heap and simply because the "powerleveling" is whole. Overall, I can throw you right now fifty-five bucks, just give me the account number. If you do not believe me, ask the others, I do not care.
After thinking for a while I just waved sadly, accepting the proposed price. The half-orc has no sense to lie me. In the backpack really there was nothing unique. Just quality shemot and weapons.
- Here we go – orc growled, showing an impressive set of canines in the grin – By the way… that bow that dangles behind your back … I will take without the aid of sight for twenty. If you give me your belt together with weapons – plus ten. What do you think?
- My bow? – I gasped, glancing on the protruding over the shoulder weapon – Are you talking about … belt is okay …
- It’s up for you. My business is to offer.
- Ah, dash you!! – I muttered, lifting decidedly the crossbelt with the bow and passing it to the dealer – Take it!
- What's wrong, not enough money for "a weekly dose?” - slightly quizzically narrowed his eyes the warrior, while taking away my weapon and shoving it into the backpack.
- You got it! – I said grimly, tearing the belt off the waist (it adds a lot of dexterity and plus gives five percent bonus to the secrecy). It's a dream of a belt. And now I have to let it go … for a poor ten bucks. And what should I do? Leave a belt myself and proudly quit the game?
- Tell me your account number. Or a number of your electronic wallet. At your choice.
- Wallet number – I replied, and said him the number by rote.
- Ok, wait – the Half-orc mumbled and closed his green-gray eyelids, turned in upon himself.
After a few minutes a glance of dark amber eyes stared at me again:
- Done. You have the whole sum now. If something else good appears, just knock in private. I'm here almost round the clock. Nickname: Grey Boar. Are you remembered??
- Remembered – I nodded and then asked – Hey, how could you transfer money? You did not even leave the game …
- Why? Ah… it seems you are of the glorious clan of Pinocchio. You have a "wooden" acc, right?
- And?
- This is it. The selected account decides everything. Okay, good luck. If need be, come to me.
Grey Boar nodded a farewell and leisurely went away, carelessly waving my backpack. Well, I was left without weapons and equipment inventory, but on my account have appeared eighty-five bucks. Unless this Half-orc trader have confused nothing and not decided to do out of me.
Going beyond the veil of magic, I sat down on the sun-warmed bench next to the fountain that shoots a dozen of water jets and hurried out of the game. Slight flicker, flash and the rainbow swirl is flashing before my eyes again. And then the darkness is coming.
I ripped off my helmet, threw back a translucent cover of the cocoon and, without getting up, pulled to myself the computer monitor mounted on a movable arm. The Internet was on and it didn't take a lot of time for me to go to my electronic payment system.
The Boar did not lie. A translation of eighty-five dollars and one cent flat came on my account. One cent! Homebrew humorist! It's too funny for words! From tender mercies added. Taking into account the already existing on the account seventeen bucks, I became the proud owner of two hundred dollars – I proudly ignored one cent.
The subscription fee for the cheapest level of "wooden" account cost exactly sixty five bucks. Not a cheap pleasure. In principle, I have achieved my goal – right now I can prepay for one more week. Whole seven days of unalloyed happiness in the world of Valdira. Damn ... I could not to sell my favorite bow, I got a little excited then. But… at that moment a sneaky thought crept into my head – if I find another twenty-three dollars, I can pay for two whole gaming weeks. Two weeks! The food in the refrigerator should be enough … it’s a tempting idea. I do not want to lend money, but I do not need much. But where can I find the missing amount?
The relatives fall away uniquely. The same situation with the neighbors. And my relationship with them is far from being cloudless, except for the housemate from the ground floor Basil, he is a workaholic with golden hands and a former weightlifter. The truth is it was before his wife left him and he started drinking regularly, and his golden hands turned into the trembling pincers of alcoholic … He would rather ask me money in debt himself, barely caught sight of my face. Fail…
Let’s see…
After using my loaf another couple of minutes, I forced myself to get up from the elastic bed of cocoon and get to the side table put to the single bed, where I kept a shoebox, stuffed with odd pieces of paper, well thumbed business cards and other similar rubbish. I dumped all the contents on the not made bed, rummaged through a pile of paper and finally fished a torn piece of paper with the askew written numbers of a mobile phone with a short name Gosha.
Gosh lives in the elite 20 floors skyscraper opposite, always has money and what is the most important – he is also a player of Valdira. Not just a player – an experienced "gamer" of extra class. His impossibly pumped character with very expensive cloths was cooler than mine three times much. Moreover, Ghosh was not the last person in a top battle Clan that has its own castle, lands and even villages. This man should understand me. We are the same age – both are twenty-four years old and we even together drank a couple of times. Although, we are not friends – too different range of interests and his social status is much higher.
I pulled up a phone and quickly dialed the number, praying that Gosha is at home. In suppose, he should be - evening time, he is married.
In three dial tones I heard a click and in the handset sounded the displeased voice of Gosha:
- Yes?
- Gosh, hello! Еhis is Ros. Well, Rostislav.
- Ah! Hi, Ros. Look, I'm a little busy right now, could you call me later, please? I was already about to "dive".
- Yeah, I'm quickly, Gosh! – I blurted out hastily – Listen… here is such deal … could you lend me a few bucks? I need only twenty-eight dollars. Well, or twenty-seven dollars and ninety-nine cents.
- Come again? Twenty-seven dollars and ninety-nine cents? – Gosha chuckled– You amaze me, Bro!. And why so much?
- Not enough for a two-week fee– I admitted – The Company, where I worked is that… go down in flames. The Chef went away in an unknown direction, forgetting to pay the bills. So I'm unemployed now.
- No problem. Would you like in cash or by electron?
- On card will be even better – I said happily – Thanks, Gosha! I will give it back in a month!
- No hurry – the interlocutor said dignified – ok, I will send it now. Tell me the number of your purse. I am just sitting at the computer.
The second time over 30 minutes I quickly pronounced the wallet number and paused, and I was simultaneously listening to the rustling in the handset also to the standing behind computer. Now I will hear the joyful ringing, notifying me about the arrival of twenty-eight dollars. After another couple of minutes I will send the whole amount to my account, and then Hello my favorite game!
I could not wait the computer ringing, and in the handset I heard the voice of Gosha again, only this time I could hear a certain thoughtfulness in it.
- Listen, Ros ...how things are going with your time now?
- What do you mean?
- I mean, have you got the free time now? For about an hour?
- Yes, I have – I said in surprise – I'm an unemployed. I just wanted to "dip" too.
- You still have time – Gosha assured me– Then come to me. At the entrance you should say that you are at the invitation to Gosha and the security will see you out. Only at a pace, ok? Be back in a flash.
- Okee-dokee … Gosha, what's up there with my dollars? If there is no free money, maybe you borrow me the ten, ok?
- Ros, don’t talk rubbish! Come to me I said! We need to talk! Are you coming?
- I’m coming! I will be there in five minutes –the short beeps rang out in the handset.
I scratched my head, and then moved toward the door, grabbing a light sports jacket from the built-in the wall wardrobe along the path. It will fit to my crumpled sweat pants and a before white T-shirt.
I wonder what about has Gosha suddenly decided to talk with me?
Damn, my timer is ticking … I need to hurry up.



Видящий путь.
Команда форума
20 Авг 2013
1. Почему "The Empire" ? вроде было только господство, а тут уже целая империя.
Подошли бы слова, domination, supremacy.

2. "Frowned with annoyance, I closed have already drawn the mouth greeting"
Тут какой-то косяк в сочетании глаголов на мой взгляд. Возможно have лишнее.

3. "or any other near to the heart little things"
"Лет ми спик фром май харт" однако :)
Слово "cherished" выглядело бы лучше.



Видящий путь.
Команда форума
20 Авг 2013
А да, забыл добавить.
Я когда-то думал, что знаю инглиш. Я ошибался :).
Тяжёлый текст, очень много редко употребляемых в разговорной речи слов.



Видящий путь.
Команда форума
20 Авг 2013
Еще кстати хотел сказать, что если текст пишется под US English, то слова "colour" и "favourite" лучше писать по другому.



10 Авг 2013
Хм...Как то слово "The Emprire" не очень подходит мне кажется - я бы сказал уже тогда "Reign" или "Supremacy" ...



Видящий путь.
Команда форума
20 Авг 2013
А забавно, что народ не читает предыдущие комментарии, даже когда их меньше странички :)



Житель Вальдиры
9 Дек 2013
Попросила знакомого для которого английский родной язык, прочитать и сказать свое мнение о переводе.
Он ответил что даже не зная русского языка, он может сказать что перевод идет один в один. И что для него это абсолютно невозможно читать.

Он мне тут написал первых два абзаца (в качестве примера), как он их понял.
Не знаю поможет это или нет. Но вот.

The Empire of The Sleepless Clan .
A huge world full of adventures, ancient mysteries and monsters, who thirst for your death. A world where everyone can realize their dreams and be whatever they want - whether it be a fortunate salesperson, a wise hermit, a brave warrior or a fighting magician, who is master of the destructive elements. However, you must know, the road to your dreams' fulfillment will be neither smooth nor marked, and ominous clouds will frequently stalk you from above. Reaching the top is an awesome task, and only few will make it!

Chapter I.
Hanging On At All Costs!
(Staying The Course!)
The Unexpected Conclusion of a Gaming Session.

I involuntarily blinked from the bright flash occuring in front of my eyes. When I was finally able to open my eyes I beheld a rainbow swirling around slowly in front of my face. I was angrily exhaling and closed my eyes again, not waiting for the sickening rush of dizziness to well up in my throat. I have too slow a channel, and the equipment is rather out of date. Consequently I have no choice but to endure long minutes, until the server could identify me and check the data from the medical sensors and impose the matrix.
Having waited for another minute I opened my eyes and was relieved to find out that I had nuzzled to the unsightly wall made of ordinary gray brick. Finally. I rolled my shoulders, clenched and opened the fingers several times and shook my head.

With a light melodic ringing the almost gauzy inscription appeared before my eyes, with each instant filled with white colour and contrasting with the surroundings:
The World of Valdira greets you!



Житель Вальдиры
9 Дек 2013
Disciple написал(а):
понимаю что описка, но все же :hi_hi_hi:
Исправила. :smu:sche_nie:

Но главное тут не это, а то что для англоязычных этот перевод не подходит.
Он мне сказал, что все ошибки, что делают русскоязычные люди, когда говорят на английском, присутствуют в том примере что дал автор.
Смысл некоторых предложений, он вообще понять не мог, пока я ему не объяснила, что автор там хотел сказать.

Дем Михайлов

Дем Михайлов

Неистовый писарь
Команда форума
8 Авг 2013



Абориген Пиндостана
10 Авг 2013
Veni, vidi, vici - в смысле сходил по ссылке и отметился на сайте.

Дем, мне кажется надо добавить русскую версию для двуязычных.

Дем Михайлов

Дем Михайлов

Неистовый писарь
Команда форума
8 Авг 2013
Hogger написал(а):
Veni, vidi, vici - в смысле сходил по ссылке и отметился на сайте.

Дем, мне кажется надо добавить русскую версию для двуязычных.
Видел )))
Огромное спасибо!
Да, добавлю еще и текст на русском языке )
Спасибо за совет )))



Видящий путь.
Команда форума
20 Авг 2013
Видел )))
Огромное спасибо!
Да, добавлю еще и текст на русском языке )
Спасибо за совет )))
Кстати так ведь и не сделал этого. Хотя возьмет ли Амазон книгу на которую не будет у него абсолютных прав?
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